
About Affine Cones associated to ample line bundles


Here we will introduce some well-known results about the cones which is the simplest examples of terminal, canonical, etc. singularities. Here we will follow the book [Kol13]1. We just consider $\mathrm{char}(k)=0$.

  1. [Kol13] János Kollár. Singularities of the Minimal Model Program. Cambridge University Press, 2013. 




Some Gaps and Examples in Intersection Theory by Fulton IV (The End)


This is one of a series of blogs aiming to complete some details of the examples in this book (Intersection Theory, 2nd edition by William Fulton1) and give some comments. This blog we consider chapter 14 to chapter 15.

  1. [FulIT2nd] William Fulton. Intersection Theory, 2nd. Springer New York, NY. 1998. 

Some Gaps and Examples in Intersection Theory by Fulton III


This is one of a series of blogs aiming to complete some details of the examples in this book (Intersection Theory, 2nd edition by William Fulton1) and give some comments. This blog we consider chapter 10 to chapter 13.

  1. [FulIT2nd] William Fulton. Intersection Theory, 2nd. Springer New York, NY. 1998. 

Birational Geometry Reading Seminar


This is my plan of the reading program of birational geometry for the beginner of this area! Aiming to read the basic aspect in the birational geometry, both lower dimensional ($\dim X=2$) and higher dimensional ($\dim X\geq 3$) in algebraic geometry.

Some Gaps and Examples in Intersection Theory by Fulton II


This is one of a series of blogs aiming to complete some details of the examples in this book (Intersection Theory, 2nd edition by William Fulton1) and give some comments. This blog we consider chapter 7 to chapter 9.

  1. [FulIT2nd] William Fulton. Intersection Theory, 2nd. Springer New York, NY. 1998. 

Some Gaps and Examples in Intersection Theory by Fulton I


This is one of a series of blogs aiming to complete some details of the examples in this book (Intersection Theory, 2nd edition by William Fulton1) and give some comments. This blog we consider chapter 1 to chapter 6.

  1. [FulIT2nd] William Fulton. Intersection Theory, 2nd. Springer New York, NY. 1998. 

A Quick Tour of Géométrie algébrique et géométrie analytique


In this blog, we will introduce some basic fact about GAGA-principle. Actually I only vaguely knew that this is a correspondence between analytic geometry and algebraic geometry over $\mathbb{C}$ before. So as we may use GAGA frequently, we will summarize in this blog to facilitate learning and use.




Generic vanishing theorem I - Hacon’s approach


This is the first blog aim to introduce the generic vanishing theorem, follows Hacon’s proof. He use the Fourier-Mukai transform and something about Abelian varieties to solve this problem:

Main Theorem. Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $a:X\to\mathrm{Alb}(X)$ be the Albanese map. Let \[S^i(\omega_X)=\{M\in A^t(\mathbb{C}): H^i(X,\omega_X\otimes M)\geq 0\},\] then $S^i(\omega_X)\subset A^t$ is closed of codimension $\geq i-\dim X+\dim a(X)$.

Reading program on moduli space of curves


This is my plan of the reading program of the moduli space of curves, aiming to discover the geometrical properties of stacks $\mathscr{M}_{g,n}$ and $\overline{\mathscr{M}}_{g,n}$ and their coarse moduli spaces.